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Minnie Buddha

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Meet Minnie Buddha!
Produced by: Sara Murphy of Crystal Coast Dragons
Hatched: 7/24/11
Mother: Produced by Dachiu and is a Double Het Cawley/Hypo Red/OGG Leatherback x Belgium/Blood/Sandfire 
Father: Produced by Khavong Pha and is a Hypo Trans x Italian/American Leatherback
Minnie Buddha's Genetics: Female Leatherback, 66% het hypo and translucent.
My little girl is flawless in every way.  She's got a super laid back, friendly and curious personality (loves to explore and readily snuggles into me when she's done running around), gorgeous colors that get better every day, and she eats her greens, veggies, RepCal Beardie diet and worms with gusto. 


A beautiful set of parents!!! I do not own these, this is where my Minnie came from. :)


This is her sale photo.  I must say, it's awesome to get an animal that is more gorgeous than her sale photo. :)


This kid gets more deep, blood red colors every day.  She's is a stunner right now and will no doubt be a knockout as an adult! :)


Red red red!!! :D

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