Welcome to A.R.R! - Amanda Rose Reptiles

Future Projects/Animals Wanted

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Below is a list of animals we are currently looking to buy or trade for. Contact me with details on each animal you would like to discuss. :)

Please note, I am only interested in animals that have been well socialized/handled for my own breeding projects. 


Brazilian rainbows (anery - silver, calico, etc.)
Columbian rainbows (ghost, albino, etc.)
Always interested in other rainbows too!

Satanic Leaf-tailed geckos - looking for purple varieties and pied (researching these right now to figure out exactly what I want).
Leachianus - researching, will let you know what I am looking for.
Captive born and bred N.G. (not a cross) Frilled Dragon - I am looking for a tame, healthy female.  Age does not matter but accurate sexing, health and attitude does.


Love those Macklots! I'm always on the lookout for spectacular specimens of all three localities (Timor, Roti and Semau) so let me know what you have! I do ask that you know what locale they are as I do not want to cross them.

Anthill pythons - looking for males and females!

Email me! :)